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Reader (Achievement) Dragon Language: Myth no More
タイトル: Dragon Language: Myth no More
フルタイトル: Dragon Language: Myth no More
著者: Hela Thrice-Versed
重量 1
価格 14
FormID 000EF2C0
詳細は Books (Skyrim) を参照


Skyrim公式日本語版ではアイテム名も書籍の完全タイトルもどちらも『ドラゴン語: もう神話ではない』と訳されている。



  • The Arcanaeum, Hall of Elements から入って右の3つ目の本棚。
  • Sky Haven Temple にある本棚に一冊。
  • The Arcanaeum にいる Urag gro-Shub から購入できる。
  • Autumnwatch Tower の塔の1階付近のベッドロール。
  • Castle Volkihar にある Harkon の応接室の棚の上に一冊。DG



Dragon Language:
Myth no More by

Hela Thrice-Versed


The very word conjures nightmare images of shadowed skies, hideous roaring, and endless fire. Indeed, the dragons were terrifying beasts that were once as numerous as they were powerful and deadly.

But what most Nords don't realize is that the dragons were in fact not simple, mindless beasts. Indeed, they were a thriving, intelligent culture, one bent on the elimination or enslavement of any non-dragon civilization in the entire world.

It therefore stands to reason that the dragons would require a way to communicate with one another. That they would need to speak. And through much research, scholars have determined that this is exactly what the dragons did. For the mighty roars of the beasts, even when those roars contained fire, or ice, or some other deadly magic, were actually much more - they were words. Words in an ancient, though decipherable, tongue.

Nonsense, you say? Sheer folly on the part of some overeager academics? I thought precisely the same thing. But then I started hearing rumors. The odd snippet of a conversation from some brave explorer or gold-coveting crypt diver. An always, always, it was the same word repeated:


So I listened more. I began to arrange the pieces of the puzzle, and slowly unravel the mystery.

Spread throughout Skyrim, in ancient dungeons, burial grounds, and other secluded places, there are walls. Black, ominous walls on which is written a script so old, so unknown, none who had encountered it could even begin its translation.

In my heart, I came to know the truth: this was proof of the ancient dragon language! For what else could it possibly be? It only made sense that these walls were constructed by the ancient Nords, Nords who had lived in the time of the dragons, and out of fear or respect, had somehow learned and used the language of the ancient beasts.

But at that point, all I had was my own gut instinct. What I needed was proof. Thus began the adventure of my life. One spanning 17 months and the deaths of three courageous guides and two sellsword protectors. But I choose not to dwell on those grim details, for the end result was so glorious, it made any hardship worth it.

In my travels, I found many of the ancient walls, and every suspicion proved true.

It did in fact appear as if the ancient Nords had copied the language of the dragons of old, for the characters of that language very much resemble claw marks, or scratches. One can almost envision a majestic dragon using his great, sharp talons to carve the symbols into the stone itself. And a human witness - possibly even a thrall or servant - learning, observing, so that he too could use the language for his own ends.

For as I observed the walls I found, I noticed something peculiar about some of the words. It was as if they pulsed with a kind of power, an unknown energy that, if unlocked, might be harnessed by the reader. That sounds like nonsense, I know, but if you had stood by these walls - seen their blackness, felt their power - you would understand that of which I speak.

Thankfully, although entranced, I was able to retain enough sense to actual transcribe the characters I saw. And, in doing so, I began to see patterns in the language - patterns that allowed me to decipher what it was I was reading.

For example, I transcribed the following passage: Yah-wordwall

Assigning those scratchings to actual Tamrielic language characters, I further translated what I saw into this:
Het nok Yngnavar Gaaf-Kodaav, wo drey Yah moron au Frod do Krosis, nuz sinon siiv dinok ahrk dukaan.

Which translates into the Tamrielic as follows:
Here lies Yngnavar Ghost-Bear, who did Seek glory on the Battlefield of Sorrows, but instead found death and dishonor.

Then, in another crypt, I encountered a wall with this transcription: Iiz-wordwall

Which translates into:
Het nok kopraan do Iglif Iiz-Sos, wo grind ok oblaan ni ko morokei vukein, nuz ahst munax haalvut do liiv krasaar.

Which ultimately translates into the Tamrielic as:
Here lies the body of Iglif Ice-Blood, who met his end not in glorious combat, but at the cruel touch of the withering sickness.

And there you see the pattern. The repeated words "Here lies" - which could only mean one thing: those walls marked actual ancient Nord burial grounds.

You can imagine my nearly uncontainable excitement. It all started to make sense. The ancient Nords used the dragon language for these walls for very specific reasons. One of them was obviously to mark the grave of some important figure. But what else? Were they all graves, or did they serve other purposes as well?

I set off to find out, and was well rewarded for my efforts. Here is what I discovered.

This passage: Lun-wordwall

Translates into this:
Het mah tahrodiis tafiir Skorji Lun-Sinak, wen klov govey naal rinik hahkun rok togaat wah gahrot.

Which in Tamrielic translates into this:
Here fell the treacherous thief Skorji Leech-Fingers, whose head was removed by the very axe he was attempting to steal.

So here we see a wall that marks the spot where some significant ancient Nord died.

This passage: Maar-wordwall

Translates into this:
Qethsegol vahrukiv daanik Fahliil kiir do Gravuun Frod, wo bovul ko Maar nol kinzon zahkrii do kruziik hokoron.

Which in Tamrielic translates into this:
This stone commemorates the doomed elf children of the Autumn Field, who fled in Terror from the sharp swords of the ancient enemy.

This wall seems to commemorate some ancient, long-forgotten event in Tamrielic history. Whether that event occurred on or near the place where the wall was erected, we will probably never know.

And finally, this passage: Toor-wordwall

Which translates into this:
Aesa wahlaan qethsegol briinahii vahrukt, Thohild fin Toor, wen smoliin ag frin ol Sahqo Heim.

Which in Tamrielic translates into this:
Aesa raised this stone for her sister, Thohild the Inferno, whose passion burned hot as the Red Forge.

This wall (and I encountered quite a few like this) was obviously commissioned or built by a specific person, to honor someone important to them. What was the significance of the location? Was it important to the person who died? Or is it the actual location of that person's death? Again, those answers are probably lost to time, and will never be known.

And so you see, the ancient dragon language is, indeed, myth no more. It existed. But better yet, it still exists, and probably will until the end of time, thanks to the ancient Nords and their construction of these many "word walls."

But don't take my word for it. For the walls are there for the discovering, in Skyrim's dangerous, secret places. They serve as a bridge between the realm of the ancient Nords, and our own. The dragons may never return to our world, but now we can return to theirs.

And someday, someday, we may even unlock the strange, unknown power hidden in their words.



ヘラ・トゥライス・バースド 著





 くだらない、って思うだろうか? 常軌を逸した愚かな研究の1つとでも? 私も全く同じことを思った。しかし、それから噂が耳に入ってきた。勇敢な探検家だったか金に貪欲だった墓荒らしだったかがしていた会話の奇妙な一部分だ。いつもいつも同じ言葉が繰り返された。:

\[[[Word Wall|壁]]\]



 心の中で、私は真実を悟った。これは古代ドラゴン語の証拠だ! それ以外何の可能性があると言うのだろう? これらの壁はドラゴンがいた時代に生きていた古代のノルドが恐怖心からか、もしくは敬意を払ってか、古代にいた獣達の言葉を何らかの方法で学び、それを使って建てられた物としか考えられない。






 例えば、以下の文章を転記した。 Yah-wordwall



 それから他の穴蔵では以下の文章が書かれた壁に出くわした。 Iiz-wordwall




 私の抑えきれない興奮がわかるだろうか。全てのつじつまが合い始めたのだ。古代ノルドが壁にドラゴン語を使っていたのには、とても特別な理由があった。その1つが大事な人の墓を示すためだったことは間違いないだろう。では他は? 全部の壁が墓だったのだろうか。それとも他の役割も果たしていたのだろうか?


以下の文章だ。 Lun-wordwall




 次の文章。 Maar-wordwall




 そして次で最後の文章だ。 Toor-wordwall



 この壁は(そしていくつか他にもこれと同じような物を目にしたが)明らかに特定の人物が自分の大事な人を褒め称えるために建てた、もしくは発注した物である。この場所の意味はなんだったのか? 死んだ人物にとって大事だったのだろうか? それともその人間が死んだ場所なのだろうか? 繰り返しになってしまうが、答えは長い時の中に埋もれてしまい我々がそれを知ることはないだろう。






  • Skyrim公式日本語訳の本文では Dungeon が地下牢と訳されている。「ドラゴンズリーチのダンジョン」とは違い、牢獄とは限らない普通の「ダンジョン」とも読めるので、誤訳と見ることもできる。